Wednesday, November 10, 2010


     "When there is no more room in Hell, the dead shall walk the Earth!"
       -George Romero, Dawn of the Dead (1978)

     No one knows exactly when the first attacks happened. The media began reporting outbreaks of "civil unrest" in the spring of 2010, when a "terrorist" group attacked a city bus in Paris. The attackers dismembered, disemboweled and ate the victims on the bus. The French police dispatched the attackers and the French government issued a statement calling the attack an isolated incident, case closed!
     By June, Europe, Asia and Africa had already begun to document cases of people being mauled and eaten. Their governments always saying these to be isolated and coincidental. Media reports began popping up causing mass hysteria. Religious groups crowded the streets quoting the book of Revelation and proclaiming these the "End of Days!". Myself, I waited for the other shoe to fall!
     By August, over half of North America had fallen victim to one or more "Gore Attacks", as our media had come to call them. Amateur footage had begun to surface all over the internet of people being massacred in their homes, their cars and on public streets. Panic ensued!
     People began to leave their lives behind to find safer accomodations, places where they could be safe and take on whatever enemy was in their way.
     The American government had set-up base camps in every major city across the U.S., huge military reinforced facilities where the tired and scared could find food, shelter and the little glimmer of hope that we all seemed to have lost!
     With the highest terrorist level having been issued, the entire U.S. was placed under Marshall Law. A nationwide curfew ordinance of 7 p.m. had been placed on all base camps, to ensure the safety of all those within the confines of the camp. Those found outside the walls after curfew were either shot or left outside to fend for themselves. Most didn't leave the camps so this worked out alright.
     The intenet, still being our only line of communication with the other camps, allowed us to send e-mails and video messages to family and friends at other camps across the country. Unfortunately, more and more attack videos surfaced. The most disturbing was that of a Chilean boy reviving after having been attacked and having his throat ripped out. To make matters worse, after reviving, he had become the very thing we had feared the most! He got up and begun to attack living people! The government called this a hoax! We knew better. The dead rising? Seemed more like a bad horror movie than our harsh reality!
     We still didn't understand how or why this was happening. With specualtions circling around camps and the military without answers, we realized we were up against something we knew absolutely nothing about! How do you kill something already dead?
     This changed everything! All able-bodied men and women were drafted into military service. We were given a weapon and trained in marksmanship as well as hand-to-hand combat. Videos had shown us that head shots seemed to work on the attackers. "Preparedness" is what they preached, yet I don't think any amount of training could have prepared anyone for what lied ahead!

     It was min-October when I had reached BC New Chicago. I had been wandering aimlessly for days, eating what little scraps i could find along the way and fighting off the horrors that now seemed to plague our world, piece by piece.
     It was here that I had found comfort, taking the very essence of my aggression away from me. Oh! I still wanted revenge! I wanted my chance to rip into those motherfuckers that took everything from me, I just learned when and when not to use it.
     Having prior military service in both Desert Storm and Afghanistan, it was only natural that i be reinstated into service, Capt. Daniel Staley, USAF. I was debriefed on the enemy and was told that most major cities were nothing but shells infested with the "DECEDENTS", the military's term for the attackers. From what I had seen, their assessment was dead on!
     On Christmas morning, word had gotten to BCNC that survivors were spotted in and around cities, people left behind or thought for dead. Someone's father or mother or son or daughter, I could not allow myself to let others know my pain. I had to step-up!
     I gathered up a five man team, five men with nothing in their hearts but retribution and nothing left to lose but their souls, and created the DDRS (Decedent Disposal and Rescue Squad). Our first task was to rescue survivors trapped in cities and procur them safely to near-by base camps. Our second task was to sweep areas of the dead and find supplies and weapons we would be running low on.
     We gathered up what supplies and weapons we would need , loaded it all on a armored troop transport (APX) and prepared for our long and perilous exodus. As we all jumped aboard, I took one last look toward the sky, made the sign of the cross and prayed that HE would watch over our mission. It seemed like these days there wasn't much God out there anymore, hard to believe HE even existed in times like these, but i knew better!
     With nothin but our hopes and M16's with us, we set out on New Years' Day! Destination: Old Detroit..........